MPS Community NL is happy to announce MPS day Eindhoven 2019!
JetBrains Meta Programming System (MPS) day Eindhoven 2019 is an event organized by MPS Community NL, and co-organized by Océ and Altran. MPS has shown its value in many different domains, e.g. high-tech, finance, medical, etc.
Because there is a strong model-driven development community that uses MPS in the Netherlands, it is time to showcase real-life MPS applications in the industry to the wider audience in the Brainport region.
The main goal of the MPS day Eindhoven 2019 is to inspire by means of a track of strong showcases presented by high-profile parties such as Océ, Belastingdienst, and Siemens. In addition, an “Everything you need to know about JetBrains MPS” event (containing many live-coding demos), where you can learn about what you can do with MPS.
If you are a decision-maker and interested in the added value of model-based/driven development, the presentation track will be of most interest to you. If you are interested in model-driven technologies and want to learn about the state of the art, the live-coding event will appeal most to you. Of course, you are also welcome to join both sessions.
Please note that the talks will be given in English.
For a full program and free registration, please click here.
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